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We’re Here to Help

Your satisfaction is our top priority. Our call center is available 7 days a week. Contact our dedicated customer service representatives with any questions or concerns about order status, returns, address changes and more.

Customer Service Availability

7 days a week

24 hours



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Sun - Fri / Closed on Sat.

11 AM - 6 PM (ET)


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Wellness Specialists

Our Wellness Specialists are health and nutrition experts who will help you find your path to optimal health.

Learn More

Need help? Give us a call. We’re happy to assist you.

Phone: 1-800-226-2370

Monday - Friday

7:30 AM - 12 AM (ET)


9 AM - 12 AM (ET)

Health & Wellness Market

The Life Extension Health & Wellness Market offers one-stop shopping for nutritional supplements, organic foods and preventive health services. Stop by and see for yourself.

Learn More

Contact us – Make an appointment


900 N. Federal Hwy
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304